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2021-12-22 06:26:33

文章原標題:選擇在深圳注冊公司要具備哪些基本條件? 需要有哪些基本條件。1、公司股東按公司章程規(guī)定,公司成立時,可以設監(jiān)事會(需多名監(jiān)事),也可以不設監(jiān)事會,但需設一名監(jiān)事。一人有限公司。股東不能擔任監(jiān)事;二人及以上的股東,其中一名股東可以擔任監(jiān)事。公司注冊時需提交監(jiān)事的身份證明原件。注冊公司時首先要進行公司名稱核準,需提交多個公司名稱進行查名。深圳注冊公司注冊公司必須要有公司注冊資本。新公司法規(guī)定,公司注冊資本實行認繳制,按照法律、行政法規(guī)決定需要取得前置許可的事項,除涉及國家安全、公民生命財產(chǎn)安全等外,不再實行先主管部門審批、再工商登記的制度。商事主體向有關部門申請登記,取得營業(yè)執(zhí)照后即可從事一般生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營活動;對從事需要許可的生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營活動,持營業(yè)執(zhí)照和有關材料向主管部門申請許可。將注冊資本實繳登記制改為認繳登記制,并放寬工商登記其他條件。公司注冊地址必須是商用的辦公地址,需提供租賃協(xié)議、房產(chǎn)證復印件。7、公司經(jīng)營范圍注冊公司時,經(jīng)營范圍必須要明確,以后的業(yè)務范圍不能超出公司經(jīng)營范圍??梢詫⒁龅幕蛞院罂赡芤龅臉I(yè)務寫進經(jīng)營范圍,經(jīng)營范圍字數(shù)在100個字以內(nèi),包括標點符號。Higher and higher house price price causes pressure of new generation youth times add, all sorts of pressure are pressed so that they cannot pant, to break this kind of awkward awkward situation, a lot of people choose poineering circuit of fight in some places one by one. Tax of De Yongxin wealth is small today make up gain ground to everybody fall how to register a company, and register Shenzhen companyNeed has what postulate.1, company shareholderThere must be a shareholder when the company is registered (investor) , the company that investment of a partner establishs belongs one person limited company, also can be 2 or the partner investment of above registers a company. When the company is registered, need to refer and the identification original of check endowment partner.Press company rules provision, when the company holds water, can establish supervision board (want job of much name inspect) , also need not establish supervision board, but need to set an inspect thing. One person limited company. Partner cannot hold the position of inspect thing; 2 people reach the partner of above, among them a partner can hold the position of inspect thing. When the company is registered, need to refer the identification original of inspect thing.Company name approve should undertake above all when registering a company, need to refer many companies name to undertake checking a name. Shenzhen registers a companyThe regulation that checks a name is, in course of study of person of the same trade, company name cannot homonymic also cannot unisonant, of many names, need to ravel will check a name.5, company rulesThe company holds water need to refer company rules to industrial and commercial management department, the name that the company defined in company rules, scope of operations, partner and contributive scale, register capital, the content such as the right of thing of partner, trustee, inspect and obligation.The company registers an address must be commercial business address, need to offer photocopy of card of the agreement that rent, house property.Shenzhen heart always believes wealth tax to serve limited company tax of wealth of dedicated big small and medium sized business serves, offer Shenzhen to register company flow and charge




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